26 Incredible Facts about India that everyone should know

26 Incredible Facts about India that everyone should know

Did you know that India used to be an island more than 100 million years ago?

But it has collided with the Asian continent about 50 million years ago, and as a result, was the birth of the Himalayas.

Incredible, isn’t it? With over a billion people from all kinds of religions, cultures, and ethnicities, India is not only the second most populated country, but it is also a country filled with incredible facts and achievements under its belt.

From What Namaste means to amazing inventions that India gifted to the world, Here are 26 Incredible Facts About India:

1-5 Awesome facts about India.

1. India is the seventh-largest country in the world, with an area of 32,87,590 square kilometers or 2042813.717888 miles.

2. India has a popular way of greeting by joining hands and saying Namaste. The Sanskrit meaning of this word is “the divine in me bows to the divine in you”.

3. When it comes to national animals, India has one of the coolest! It is the Bengal tiger.

Additionally, India is home to around 3/4 of the world’s tiger population.

4. India gave the world its first university.

As early as 700 B.C., there existed a giant University at Takshashila, located in the northwest region of India.

It had 300 lecture halls, laboratories, a library, and a towering observatory for astronomical research.

A Chinese traveler, Hien Tsang wrote in his diary that it had 10,000 students and 200 professors.

5. Measuring 600ft (182m) in height, the Statue of Unity is currently the tallest in the world.

The statue is a tribute to Indian independence leader Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel and is located in the western part of Gujarat, where Patel was born.

The Statue of Unity is almost twice as tall as the Statue of Liberty

As a matter of fact, It is almost twice as tall as the Statue of Liberty(305ft or 93m).

6-10 Awesome facts about India.

Famous Indian Sweats

6. If you have a sweet tooth, then you should be thankful to India as it is the first place where sugar was extracted, refined, and used in cooking.

And I can guarantee you that India has a wide range of delicious sweats that can please sweet lovers from all over the globe.

7. The Amritsar Golden Temple is unarguably one of the most incredible architectural monuments in India.

It is a site of generosity and compassion that serves over 50,000 vegetarian meals to people for free.

On religious days, the number of meals served can spike up to 1,00,000.

And as of 2021, It now costs over 4 million dollars a year to keep this kitchen running.

8. India has a vegetarian percentage of 38% and is ranked top of the world.

9. India is the second-largest producer of tea around the globe, with China taking the top spot.

10. With 237 Billionaires, India is the 3rd highest number of billionaires.

Moreover, in 2019, it was estimated that the richest 10% of the Indian population owned around 80.7% of the country’s wealth.
And that the top 1% of the population (in regards to wealth) earned 21% of India’s total income.

Sadly, India is a country with a huge amount of wealth inequality.

11-15 Awesome facts about India.

11. India has the longest constitution in the world.

12. Around 70% of the world’s spices come from India.

13. If you are a lover of hamburgers, then you need to know this before visiting India!

As it turns out, Cows are considered sacred in India and are protected by their own set of rules in the Constitution, killing a cow is a crime in several parts of India.

Even on crowded city streets, cows can freely roam without fear of being harassed by humans.

So better eat them as much as you can before visiting India.

By the way, Please watch this video it’s hilarious AF.

14. According to the 2011 census, 79.8% of the population of India practices Hinduism, 14.2% adheres to Islam, 2.3% adheres to Christianity, 1.7% adheres to Sikhism, 0.7% adheres to Buddhism, and 0.4% adheres to Jainism.

15. India has over 300,000 mosques and over 2 million Hindu temples.

16-20 Awesome facts about India.

Varanasi is one of the oldest living cities in the world.

16. A few countries claim they have the oldest living city, and India is no exception to that.
India’s Varanasi, also known as Banaras or Kashi, is believed to be one of the oldest living cities in the world.

One of the greatest American writers of all time, Mark Twain puts it, Banaras is “older than history, older than tradition, older even than legend, and looks twice as old as all of them put together.”

17. And the holy city of Varanasi has over 23,000 temples.

26 Incredible facts about India.

18. Although rats might not be the first species you think of to worship, there is a temple in Rajasthan dedicated to rats.

This temple home is home to Almost 20,000 rats, making it one of the most unique attractions.

19. The village of Shani Shingnapur is famous for not having a door or lock on a single house. Beyond that, there has not been a recording of a criminal act for almost 400 years.
Many people think that the shared vulnerability has created a neighborly trust between the residents, which has formed protection stronger than any security device that can ever provide.

20. India holds one of the lowest divorce rates in the world.
According to statistics, the divorce rate in India is about 1 out of every 100 marriages, making it much lower than in most countries.

21-26 Awesome facts about India.

26 Incredible facts about India.

21. The Highest Cricket Ground in the world is in Chail, Himachal Pradesh with an altitude of 2,444 metres (8,018 ft).

22. India is the second-most populous country in the world right now.
Second, only to China, India has roughly 1.37 billion people, and the number keeps climbing.

It’s estimated that by 2050, India will become the most populated country in the world.

23. Chess and Snakes & Ladder were originated in India.

24. Surprisingly, India is the world’s second-largest English-speaking country.

Around 10% of India’s population or 125 million people, which is second only to the USA.

Moreover, the numbers are expected to quadruple in the next decade.

25. India has won 35 Olympic medals so far in all the Olympics.

26. India has 22 official languages.

While Hindi is the most widely spoken and the language of the central government in India, no language is more official than the others.

According to the constitution, each of the 22 local languages (plus English) are of equal importance.

That’s it for this post guys, I hope you had fun while reading about 26 Incredible facts about India.

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And finally, I hope you have a great day.

Bye Bye.