15 Mind-Blowing Facts About Cheetahs That You Didn’t Know

15 Mind-Blowing Facts About Cheetahs That You Didn’t Know

Did you know? Cheetahs are really nervous animals, and some zoos give them “support dogs” to relax.

Cheetahs are really nervous animals, and some zoos give them "support dogs" to relax.

Incredible, isn’t it? Cheetahs are not only the world’s fastest land animals they can go from zero to 60 in three seconds. But they are also filled with several weird and interesting facts that you would love to know.

Flashy Facts About Cheetahs

15 Mind-Blowing Facts About Cheetahs That You Didn't Know

1. Cheetah is derived from the Hindi word Chita, which means ‘spotted one.’

2. Nearly all wild cheetahs can be found in sub-Saharan Africa, where they roam open, grassy savannah plains and open forests. While a small population lives in northeastern Iran, only a few dozen remain here.

3. Cheetah bodies grow to between 1.1m and 1.4m meters long, plus a tail measuring 65cm to 80cm. Their weight ranges from 34kg to 54kg, males being slightly heavier.

4. Cheetahs are the fastest land animal in the world, they can reach 112km/h in just three seconds – that’s faster than a sports car accelerates!

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5. Since sprinting at such high speeds consumes a lot of energy, cheetah chases are limited to 200-300 meters long and last less than a minute.

Interesting Facts About Cheetahs

6. Cheetahs are one of the few big cats that can’t roar. Instead, these ferocious felines purr much like a house cat.

7. To avoid competition from other powerful predators such as lions, hyenas, and leopards, Cheetahs hunt during the day. 

8. 58% of Cheetah hunts are successful, which is the highest among big cats.

15 Mind-Blowing Facts About Cheetahs That You Didn't Know
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9. Cheetahs are really nervous animals, and some zoos give them “support dogs” to relax.

10. Cheetahs usually live 10 to 12 years in the wild, but they can live up to 20 years in captivity.

Crazy Facts About Cheetahs

15 Mind-Blowing Facts About Cheetahs That You Didn't Know

11. Cheetahs have adapted to life in a dry environment and can go three to four days without drinking a drop of water. That does not imply that they do not receive any liquids. Cheetahs, it turns out, can get water from the animals they hunt, kill, and eat.

12. Females typically give birth to two to eight cubs per litter. She cares for her babies in a hidden lair surrounded by tall vegetation until they are 16 to 24 months old and capable of caring for themselves.

13. However, The mortality rate of cheetah cubs is shockingly high. In a study conducted in the 1990s on the Serengeti, it was discovered that 95% of cubs died before reaching adulthood. Lions, as well as other predators and disease, were responsible for many deaths. 

14. Cheetahs are social animals who live in groups, usually consisting of a mother and her young, siblings, or a coalition of males who live and hunt together. Adult females, on the other hand, prefer to be alone and only meet with males to mate.

15. Cheetahs are sprinting towards extinction. Since 1900, more than 90% of them have vanished, with an estimated global population of less than 8,000.

That’s it for this post guys, I hope you had fun while reading 15 Mind-Blowing Cheetah facts for kids.

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