15 Mind-Blowing Facts About Zebras That You Probably Didn’t Know

15 Mind-Blowing Facts About Zebras That You Probably Didn’t Know

Did you know? When compared to other mammals, Zebras have excellent eyesight. However, they cannot see the color orange.

15 Mind-Blowing Facts About Zebras

Incredible, isn’t it? Just like this, there are 15 facts about Zebras on this list that will blow your mind.

1-5 Fun Facts about Zebras

1. Our planet is home to three zebra species, the plains zebra, Grevy zebra, and mountain zebra. And all three species are native to Africa.

2. Zebras are actually black, with white stripes.

3. Although some individual zebras are domesticated, most cannot. They are unpredictable and known to attack people.

4. Zebras are responsible for more injuries to U.S. zookeepers than any other animal.

5. Zebras are extremely powerful. They can kick with nearly 3,000 pounds of force, which is strong enough to kill a fully-grown lion, which is just a single blow to the body.

6-10 Interesting Facts about Zebras

15 Mind-Blowing Facts About Zebras

6. Individual zebras can be identified by “scanning” their stripes like a barcode.

7. Only six minutes after being born, zebra fouls can stand. They can walk after 20 minutes, and run after 40 minutes.

8. The black and white striped pattern on Zebra acts as a repellent to horseflies and other bloodsuckers. Scientists believe their stripes also serve as sunscreen or camouflage.

9. When compared to other mammals, Zebras have excellent eyesight. However, they cannot see the color orange.

10. There is a sad instance in Palestine where two zebras died of hunger in a zoo and were later replaced with donkeys painted with black and white stripes.

11-15 Awesome Facts about Zebras

15 Mind-Blowing Facts About Zebras

11. They are herbivores and spend most of their day eating grass. But sometimes, they also eat leaves, shrubs, and bark.

12. Baby zebras are referred to as foals, female zebras as mares, and adult zebras as stallions.

13. Zebras have high family values. When a zebra is attacked, its family will come to its defense and attempt to drive off predators.

15 Mind-Blowing Facts About Zebras

14. Zebras are social animals. They often live with Ostriches to protect each other from predators. While the ostrich has better vision, the zebra has better hearing and smell.

15 Mind-Blowing Facts About Zebras

15. The weird offspring of a donkey and a zebra is called a “zonkey.”

That’s it for this post guys, I hope you had fun while reading about 15 Amazing facts about Zebras for kids.

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