20 Mind-Blowing Switzerland Facts That You Should Know

20 Mind-Blowing Switzerland Facts That You Should Know

Did you know? In Switzerland, social animals must be kept in pairs.

20 Mind-Blowing Switzerland Facts That You Should Know

Mind-Blowing, isn’t it? With over 8.67 million people, Switzerland is not only one of the best countries to travel or live in, but it is also a country filled with interesting facts that you should know.

Interesting Facts about Switzerland

1. According to Yahoo Finance, Switzerland is the most expensive country to live in the world. However, it is also the 4rth happiest country.

2. Switzerland has enough nuclear fallout shelters to house the entire country’s population.

3. Men in Switzerland are required to keep the firearms issued to them during their military service at home even after they have left the military in order to prevent home break-ins and to have the country’s men ready to mobilize in the event of a threat.

4. The denial of the Holocaust is illegal in Switzerland.

20 Mind-Blowing Switzerland Facts That You Should Know

5. It is illegal in Switzerland to keep just one guinea pig. You must have them in pairs so that they won’t suffer from social issues.

Awesome Facts about Switzerland

20 Mind-Blowing Switzerland Facts That You Should Know

6. Switzerland has more than 1500 lakes, and you are never more than 10 miles from a lake.

7. Hydroelectric power generates approximately 60% of Switzerland’s electricity.

20 Mind-Blowing Switzerland Facts That You Should Know

8. Unsurprisingly, the mountains cover 70% of Switzerland.

9. Animals in Switzerland have more rights than humans who live in the poorest countries. 

Dogs are permitted in restaurants and are frequently seen eating there, whereas social animals must be kept in pairs. Some pet owners are also required to take a course on how to care for their pets. Things progressed to the point where a referendum on whether animals should have lawyers was held in 2010. Unfortunately, the plan was abandoned.

10. Voting is mandatory. Even if you live abroad, you have to vote during elections.

Crazy Facts about Switzerland

11. Assisted suicide is legal.

12. Switzerland is also home to the Sarco pod, a coffin-shaped capsule, which promises relatively painless and peaceful death in under one minute.

According to Exit International, which developed the machine, approximately 1,300 people died by ‘assisted suicide’ in Switzerland last year.

13. According to Global Innovation Index 2022, Switzerland is the most innovative country in the world. And it has topped the list consistently for 12 years.

14. Switzerland can blow up its roads to prevent an invasion!

In order to defend themselves, they have designed their country to have all entry points collapse. To make an invasion difficult and tiresome for potential invaders, the Swiss are completely willing to do whatever it takes.

15. It’s no surprise that Switzerland is known around the world for its high-quality chocolate, but do you know how much chocolate is produced and consumed there? Approximately 180,000 tones of chocolate are produced each year, with an average of 11 kilos consumed per person.

Fun Facts about Switzerland

20 Mind-Blowing Switzerland Facts That You Should Know

16. The average marriage age in Switzerland is 31.8 years old for men and 29.5 years old for women. On the other hand, the divorce rate is around 43%.

17. It is illegal in Switzerland to give a child a name that could harm the child’s interests.

18. Apart from the Vatican, the only other square flag is that of Switzerland.

19. The official languages of Switzerland are German, Italian, French, and Romansch.


20. As stated by swissinfo.ch, Switzerland has one of the highest proportions of internationals among all nations, about 24.6% in 2015. More than 80% of the foreigners living in Switzerland are from European countries.

That’s it for this post guys, I hope you had fun while reading 20 Awesome facts about the Switzerland .

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