25 Electrifying Facts About Robots That Will Shock You

25 Electrifying Facts About Robots That Will Shock You

Robots, the mechanical marvels of modern technology, have come a long way since their inception. From humble beginnings as assembly line machines to sophisticated companions and explorers, robots have revolutionized the way we live and work. But how much do we really know about these metallic marvels? Get ready to enter the fascinating world of robotics as we present 25 robot facts that will leave you amazed and inspired!

1-5 Fun Facts About Robots

1. The word “robot” comes from the Slavic word “robota,” which means “slave labor,” and was first used in a 1920 play.

2. Leonardo da Vinci created plans for a “mechanized knight” in the 15th century. The design was based on a system of pulleys and gears and was meant to resemble a robot. Almost 500 years later, a team of researchers built the “mechanized knight” based on Leonardo’s drawings, and it worked perfectly.

3. “Android” refers specifically to a robot designed to look like a human male. 

4. A robot designed to look like a human female is called a “gynoid.”

25 Electrifying Facts About Robots That Will Shock You

5. In 1979, Robert Williams became the first person to be killed by a robot when a robotic arm at the Ford assembly line hit him.
The UK’s NHS had only one registered rectal teaching assistant, who offered his anus to be examined by trainee doctors. However, he lost his job to a robot anus.

6-10 Wild Facts About Robots

25 Electrifying Facts About Robots That Will Shock You

6. A hitchhiking robot that relied on the kindness of strangers for travel was found with its head and arms ripped off just two weeks into its first American tour.

7. An 18-year-old named Joshua Browder created a “robot lawyer” that provides free custom-generated legal documents to appeal wrongly issued parking fines, saving users an estimated $3 million.

8. In 1981, a tragic incident occurred in Japan when a factory worker was crushed by a robotic arm, marking the world’s first robot accident.

Read More: 25 Mind-Blowing facts about Japan that will strike you like thunder

25 Electrifying Facts About Robots That Will Shock You

9. However, this hasn’t stopped Japan from being a world leader in robotics. Boasting a staggering half a million industrial robots, Japan accounts for half of the entire robot population in the world!

10. There is a lights-out factory in Japan where robots build other robots at a rate of 50 per 24-hour shift. It has been operating autonomously since 2001.

11-15 Insane Facts About Robots

25 Electrifying Facts About Robots That Will Shock You

11. MegaBots, an American company, challenged Japanese manufacturer Suidobashi Heavy Industries to a giant mech fight, which Suidobashi accepted, stating that “Giant robots are Japanese culture.”

12. In 2009, a robot named Adam became the first machine to independently discover new scientific knowledge without human input. Adam was programmed to perform experiments and analyze the data to identify new genes involved in yeast metabolism.

13. Thanks to the introduction of robots, the iPhone manufacturer Foxconn has reduced its workforce from 110,000 to 50,000.

25 Electrifying Facts About Robots That Will Shock You

14. Benjamin Franklin and Napoleon Bonaparte both played chess against a robot that toured the world, beating masters and novices alike. However, it was later revealed that the “robot” was just a man in a box.

Read More: 20 Surprising Facts About Benjamin Franklin

15. Soldiers who work with bomb disposal robots often develop strong emotional attachments to them and even hold funerals for them when they are destroyed.

16-20 Awesome Facts About Robots

16. In Japan, there is a robot that wins at rock-paper-scissors 100% of the time. The robot uses a high-speed camera and advanced algorithms to recognize the shape of the human hand and then make its move accordingly.

17. Have you heard of the Japanese robot baby seal? It’s a therapeutic tool for patients with dementia, designed to respond to touch and voices, and even get sleepy at night.

25 Electrifying Facts About Robots That Will Shock You

18. Back in 1937, the world saw the creation of Elektro, a remarkable robot built to resemble the typical American male. He could look, listen, speak, move independently, and, of course, smoke cigarettes.

19. In Carlisle, MA, a Smart Barn has been introduced to revolutionize the farming industry, allowing cows to be milked by robots whenever they please and even featuring an automatic back-scratcher for the animals’ comfort.

20. How about the world’s largest walking robot? It’s a fire-breathing dragon specially created for a 500-year-old folk play in a small German town, a true marvel of engineering and creativity.

21-25 Interesting Facts About Robots

25 Electrifying Facts About Robots That Will Shock You

21. Sophia, the world’s first social humanoid robot, made history when she was granted citizenship by Saudi Arabia in 2017. With her advanced visual data processing and facial recognition capabilities, she can even imitate human gestures and expressions. 

22. Scientists at Brown University are developing a robotic cat designed to help senior citizens fight loneliness. The robot doesn’t need to eat or use a litter box but can purr and remind seniors when it’s time to take their medication.

25 Electrifying Facts About Robots That Will Shock You

23. Having implanted computer chips in his arm that allows him to remotely operate gadgets and doors around him, Kevin Warwick is known as the world’s first self-proclaimed cyborg

24. The US Marines have their robotic pack mule, the LS3, which can carry up to a whopping 400 pounds of gear across all kinds of terrain using its four legs. It’s like having a loyal metal pet that carries all your heavy stuff!

25. Robophobia, or an irrational fear of robots, is a real thing. Even some tech moguls like Elon Musk and Bill Gates reportedly have this disorder, which might seem ironic given their professions.

That’s it for this post guys, I hope you had fun while reading 25 Interesting Robot facts for kids.

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