15 Surprising Facts about Kissing That Will Blow Your Mind

15 Surprising Facts about Kissing That Will Blow Your Mind

Ladies and gentlemen, put your lips together and blow because we’re about to dive into some seriously smoochy facts about kissing! Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a lip-locking newbie, this article is sure to leave you wanting to plant one on someone special (or yourself, no judgment here). So grab your Chapstick, and your favorite kissing partner, and get ready to pucker up for some seriously hilarious and intriguing facts about the art of kissing!

Fun Facts about Kissing

15 Surprising Facts about Kissing That Will Blow Your Mind

1. Who knew that smooching could be such a calorie-burning workout? Just one minute of kissing can burn 2 calories.

2. But don’t forget about the bacteria exchange. It’s like a science experiment on your lips, with 10 million to 1 billion germs swapping mouths.

3. But on the bright side, it’s more hygienic than shaking hands if you’re trying to avoid a cold.

4. Just be mindful that all that kissing can lead to tooth decay, so maybe lay off the sugar before puckering up.

5. Mothers of the Manchu tribe used to express their love to their children by sucking their p*nis in public rather than kissing them. It is all because kissing was viewed as sexual.

Surprising Facts about Kissing

6. The average joe spends two whole weeks of their life kissing.

7. And if you’re thinking of moving to Nevada and having a mustache, think again because it’s illegal to kiss with one there.

8. But the real kicker is this, if you kiss a baby on the ear, it can make them go deaf, so be careful out there, folks.

9. Remember folks! Kissing is not just about the lips. It’s a full-body workout involving 34 facial muscles and 112 postural muscles.

15 Surprising Facts about Kissing That Will Blow Your Mind

10. The world’s longest kiss lasted a whopping 58 hours, 35 minutes, and 58 seconds. A testament to the power and endurance of love.”

Interesting Facts about Kissing

15 Surprising Facts about Kissing That Will Blow Your Mind

11. Philematology, the study of kissing, delves into the science and psychology behind this intimate act.

12. The first time two men kissed on-screen was in 1927.

13. According to a study, the average age for a UK kid to get his first kiss is 15.

14. In 2004, the Indonesian government took measures to prohibit public displays of affection, including kissing in public.

15 Surprising Facts about Kissing That Will Blow Your Mind

15. Research has shown that two-thirds of individuals tilt their heads to the right when kissing.

That’s it for this post guys, I hope you had fun while reading 15 Awesome Kissing facts that you should know.

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