20 Mind-Blowing Facts about Elvis Presley That You Must Know

20 Mind-Blowing Facts about Elvis Presley That You Must Know

Ladies and Gentlemen, hold on to your blue suede shoes because we’re about to shake, rattle and roll through some of the most unbelievable and hilarious facts about the King of Rock and Roll, Elvis Presley. From his love for heaven to that time he gifted a limo as a tip, this article is sure to have you saying “Thank you, thank you very much” for the never-ending entertainment that was Elvis Presley. So grab your hound dog, and let’s get all shook up with some of the most intriguing and amusing facts about the one and only, Elvis Presley!

Shocking Facts about Elvis Presley

1. Elvis Presley had a twin brother who tragically passed away at birth, leaving the King as an only child.

2. Elvis Presley failed a music class in High School. 

3. The King may have had a rough start in music class, but that didn’t stop him from becoming the best-selling individual artist of all time, with over 500 million records sold.

4. The King may have been known for his rock ‘n’ roll hits. But it was his gospel songs that won him three Grammy awards.

5. He was a man of many beliefs, wearing a cross, a Star of David, and the Hebrew letter chai, to ensure he wouldn’t “miss out on heaven due to a technicality.”

Interesting Facts about Elvis Presley

20 Mind-Blowing Facts about Elvis Presley That You Must Know

6. Elvis Presley once asked his limo driver, “Do you own this limo, or do you work for the company?” He responded, “I work for the company.” Elvis said, “Well, you own it now.” The limo driver’s tip was the limo.

7. Elvis Presley’s iconic dark hair wasn’t all natural. He was a blondie who used to dye it to get the look he wanted.

20 Mind-Blowing Facts about Elvis Presley That You Must Know

8. None of Elvis Presley’s songs were written by him. But he sure knew how to rock a tune.

9. Despite being a global icon, Elvis Presley never strayed too far from home and never performed outside North America.

20 Mind-Blowing Facts about Elvis Presley That You Must Know

10. Freddie Mercury, the lead singer of Queen, was a big fan of Elvis Presley. He wrote the hit song “Crazy Little Thing Called Love” as a tribute to him in just 10 minutes.

Awesome Facts about Elvis Presley

20 Mind-Blowing Facts about Elvis Presley That You Must Know

11. Elvis Presley’s rise to fame was not without struggle. During his childhood, his family relied on assistance from neighbors and government food assistance.

12. Despite his later success, Elvis Presley’s first performance was met with a tragic response from his manager Jimmy Denny, who told him “You ain’t goin’ nowhere, son. You ought to go back to drivin’ a truck.”

13 .The King of Rock ‘n’ Roll was not only a master of music but also a karate black belt.

14. Only the White House receives more visitors per year than Graceland, the home of Elvis Presley.

15. Elvis Presley’s manager, Colonel Tom Parker, had a unique way of minting money off the King’s fame by selling both ‘I love Elvis’ and ‘I hate Elvis’ badges at his concerts.

Surprising Facts about Elvis Presley

16. A minor planet was discovered in 1999 and was named 17059 Elvis as an ode to the King.

17. In 1977, three men attempted to steal Elvis Presley’s remains for ransom, which is why his body was moved to Graceland. And It is monitored by security to this day.

18. Even King’s underwear is not safe from being auctioned, but unfortunately for the seller, no one wanted to buy it in 2012.

19. Despite being a musical icon, Elvis Presley wasn’t a fan of everyone in the industry. He had a dislike for John Lennon and his anti-war stance.

20. Elvis Presley was known to be a good neighbor, once helping out an Orthodox Rabbi and his wife by running errands and turning on and off electronics for them on the Sabbath.

That’s it for this post guys, I hope you had fun while reading 20 Interesting Elvis Presley facts that you should know.

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