15 Shocking Facts About Beer That Will Make Your Head Dizzy

Ladies and gentlemen, raise your glasses and get ready to cheer on one of the oldest and most beloved beverages – BEER! Whether you prefer a hoppy IPA, a smooth lager, or a creamy stout, there’s a beer out there for everyone. And let’s be honest, what’s not to love about a drink that helps you forget your troubles and makes everything in life a bit more hilarious?

So grab a cold one, and dive into the chilly world of beer!

Fun Facts about Beer

1. At any given time, 0.7% of the population drink Alcohol. That’s a good 50 million people!

2. A Scottish lad consumed 60 pints of beer and had the world’s longest hangover lasting four weeks.

15 Shocking Facts About Beer

3. The strongest beer out there packs a punch with 67.5% alcohol content.

15 Shocking Facts About Beer

4. Slugs love beer. Who knows? Maybe they’re just trying to forget they’re slugs and live their best lives.

5. In Belgium, they used to serve beer to kids in school. Whoa! Talk about an A+ education.

Surprising Facts about Beer

6. In Thailand, they built a temple using 1 million bottles of beer. Praise the hops!

7. In Norway, a hijacker once surrendered his weapon for more beer. Safety, safety, gimme that beer!

8. In 1963, Albert Heineken had a wacky idea; he wanted to use his beer bottles as bricks to build houses for those in need of a safe place to live!

15 Shocking Facts About Beer

9. In Amsterdam, People can earn 5 cans of beer, €10, and tobacco for a day’s worth of street cleaning. It’s like a self-sustaining cycle of getting drunk and cleaning the streets.

10. 1,62,719 pints of Guinness beer that could quench the thirst of some drunkards is wasted each year due to mustaches.

Shocking Facts about Beer

11. Beer wasn’t considered an alcoholic beverage in Russia until 2013.

12. The strongest beer in the world has a 67.5% alcohol content.

13. In Ancient Egypt, beer was not only enjoyed, but also used as currency.

14. In the 13th century, some people in Norway would baptize their children with beer. Nothing like starting life off with a bang!

15. In 1956, the U.S. government conducted a daring experiment to test the effects of atomic bombs on nearby beers. They wanted to see if the beverages would be safe to consume after the explosion. And, they are indeed safe to drink. Americans being Americans 🙂

Cool Facts about Beer

16. McDonald’s in France, Germany, Austria, Spain, and the Netherlands, serves beer, making it truly a happy meal. I mean, burgers and beer, what’s not to love?

17. When a hurricane is expected, Walmart’s top-selling items are strawberry Pop-Tarts and beer. I mean, when the end is near, you might as well enjoy it.

18. Chinese beer called “Snow” is the best-selling beer in the world.

19. Before he was prime minister of Australia in 1983, Bob Hawke got into the 1955 Guinness Book of Records. The Aussie drank two and a half pints of beer in 11 seconds.

20. The fear of an empty beer glass is known as cenosillicaphobia.

That’s it for this post guys, I hope you had fun while reading about 15 Amazing Beer facts.

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