20 Mind-Blowing New Jersey facts that you will love Knowing

20 Mind-Blowing New Jersey facts that you will love Knowing

Welcome to the Garden State, where the sun, sand, and surf meet bustling cities, charming small towns, and rich cultural heritage. New Jersey may be the fourth smallest state in the USA, but it packs a punch when it comes to diversity, beauty, and entertainment. From the iconic boardwalks of Atlantic City to the rolling hills of the Delaware Water Gap, New Jersey offers something for everyone. Whether you’re a foodie, history buff, beach bum, or nature lover, you’ll find plenty of reasons to fall in love with the Garden State. So grab your favorite pork roll sandwich, hop in your car, and join us on a journey through the sights, sounds, and flavors of New Jersey!

1-5 Fun Facts About New Jersey

20 Mind-Blowing New Jersey facts that you will love Knowing

1. New Jersey has a population of over 9.3 million residents, ranking it as the 11th most populous state in the United States, sandwiched between Michigan and Virginia.

2. If New Jersey were an independent country, it would fall between Belize and El Salvador in terms of size.

3. The official state motto of New Jersey is “Liberty and prosperity.”

4. New Jersey was the only state to grant women the right to vote after American Revolution. Maybe they should have been called the “progressive state” instead of the “Garden State.”

5. The state earns approximately $2.8 billion annually from gambling in casinos, second only to Nevada, which is home to the famous Las Vegas and earns $7.8 billion.

6-10 Interesting Facts About New Jersey

6. New Jersey boasts the densest system of railroads and highways in the country.

7. Newark, located in North Jersey, has been referred to as the “Car Theft Capital of the World.”

8. Albert Einstein, who emigrated from Germany to the United States in 1933, lived in New Jersey for 22 years until his death and worked at Princeton University.

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9. Notable individuals who hail from New Jersey include Frank Sinatra, Buzz Aldrin, Whitney Houston, Dennis Rodman, Jon Bon Jovi, and John Travolta.

20 Mind-Blowing New Jersey facts that you will love Knowing

10. After Napoleon Bonaparte’s death, his p*nis was removed during autopsy, and has changed hands several times. The latest owner is a woman from New Jersey whose father kept it in a suitcase under his bed for 30 years.

11-15 Creepy Facts About New Jersey

20 Mind-Blowing New Jersey facts that you will love Knowing

11. Some strange old laws are still enforced in New Jersey, such as the prohibition of selling cars on Sundays.

12. In New Jersey, it is illegal to pump your gas anywhere in the state.

13. Additionally, it is unlawful to sell handcuffs to minors in New Jersey, frown in Bernards township, swear in Raritan, or dance on Main Street in Caldwell.

14. When it comes to getting out of minor tickets in New Jersey, it seems like the only thing you need to do is be friends with a cop or have a relative on the force. In New Jersey, certain cards issued by the “Patrolmen’s Benevolent Associations” can help friends and family of police officers avoid minor traffic violations.

15. Hollywood became the center of the movie industry because filmmakers wanted to escape Thomas Edison’s patent claims, which covered almost every aspect of the filmmaking process. However, The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in California was known for ruling against patent claims, making it an attractive location for filmmakers.

16-20 Suprising Facts About New Jersey

16. New Jersey saw more battles and skirmishes during the American Revolution than any other colony.

17. It also has the highest concentration of engineers and scientists per square mile of any place in the world.

20 Mind-Blowing New Jersey facts that you will love Knowing

18. In 2007, Comcast mistakenly aired hardcore p*rnography on the Disney Channel in New Jersey instead of cartoons.

Read More: 15 Fascinating Facts about Disney that you probably didn’t know

19. In New Jersey, individuals convicted of drunk driving are prohibited from using vanity license plates.

20. Charles Cullen, a hospital nurse, is believed to have killed up to 400 patients, making him New Jersey’s most prolific serial killer.

That’s it for this post guys, I hope you had fun while reading 20 Awesome New Jersey Facts For Kids.

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