25 Unbelievable Massachusetts Facts that will blow your mind

25 Unbelievable Massachusetts Facts that will blow your mind

Welcome to the Bay State, where the accents are strong, the lobsters are plentiful, and the history is rich. Massachusetts is a state full of surprises and fascinating tales, from the Boston Tea Party to the birthplace of basketball. Whether you’re a fan of sports, history, or just quirky trivia, there’s something for everyone in Massachusetts. So, grab a bowl of clam chowder and get ready to discover 15 amazing Massachusetts facts that will make you say, “Wicked cool!”

1-5 Fun Facts About Massachusetts

1. Massachusetts may be small, but it packs a punch with a total area of 10,565 mi² (27,337 km²), making it the 7th smallest state in the US.

2. To put its size in perspective, Massachusetts is roughly equivalent to half the area of Croatia or twice as large as the Bahamas.

3. The state’s official motto, “Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem,” translates to “By the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty,” reflecting its historical emphasis on freedom.

4. Massachusetts is also known for its liberal politics and is considered the most liberal state in the country.

25 Unbelievable Massachusetts Facts that will blow your mind

5. On the flip side, it has been ranked as the least hardworking state in the US.

6-10 Interesting Facts About Massachusetts

6. The bustling city of Boston, which is also the state’s most populous, has been the capital of Massachusetts since its inception.

7. A group of MIT students stumbled upon a clever way to game the Massachusetts Cash WinAll lottery by investing $600,000 in tickets and earning a remarkable 10-15% return on their investment. Over the course of 5 years, they managed to win an astounding $8 million from the lottery through this method.

8. In a landmark case in 1780, a slave named Elizabeth Freeman challenged the legality of slavery in Massachusetts by suing for her freedom on the grounds that the state constitution declared that all men are born free and equal. Her victory in court set a powerful precedent and helped to effectively end slavery in Massachusetts.

9. Lobster used to be so plentiful in Massachusetts during the 1800s that servants had to demand a clause in their contracts to prevent being fed it more than three times a week. 

25 Unbelievable Massachusetts Facts that will blow your mind

10.The first executed person in the Massachusetts Bay Colony was guilty of a shocking crime: s*x with a turkey. This bizarre incident is a dark footnote in the state’s early history.

11-15 Crazy Facts About Massachusetts

25 Unbelievable Massachusetts Facts that will blow your mind

11. Believe it or not, in the 1850s, baseball had different rules in Massachusetts than in New York. Under the Massachusetts rules, you could throw the ball at a runner, and if you hit them, they were automatically out.

12. The Museum of Bad Art, located in Massachusetts, is a testament to the power of artistic expression, even if the results are less than impressive. Featuring works of art that are “too bad to be ignored,” this museum celebrates the creative spirit in all its forms.

25 Unbelievable Massachusetts Facts that will blow your mind

13. Believe it or not, Christmas was once illegal in Massachusetts and much of New England. It remained taboo in the region until at least 1870 when the Federal government declared it a national holiday.

Read More: 20 Mind-Blowing Facts about Christmas

14. The Pheasant Lane Mall in New Hampshire has a unique pentagonal shape at the state line to ensure that it remains entirely within the state and is not subject to Massachusetts sales taxes. This is a creative solution to a tax problem that has allowed the mall to thrive without the added burden of extra taxes.

25 Unbelievable Massachusetts Facts that will blow your mind

15. Despite its reputation for liberalism and progressive values, Massachusetts has one of the lowest divorce rates among US states. Nevada, on the other hand, has the highest divorce rate of any state in the country.

16-20 Awesome Facts About Massachusetts

16. If you find yourself in an emergency and unable to speak when calling 9-1-1 in Massachusetts, don’t worry. You can communicate by pressing numbers on your phone. 1 for police, 2 for fire, and 3 for an ambulance. You can also indicate “yes” or “no” by pressing 4 or 5, respectively.

17. The coldest place in the known universe is in Massachusetts, at MIT, where scientists have managed to create a temperature of 810 trillionths of a degree Fahrenheit above absolute zero. 

18. The chocolate chip cookie, a beloved American treat, was invented in 1930 by Ruth Graves Wakefield and her husband at the Toll House Restaurant in Whitman, Massachusetts.

Read More: 25 Mind-Blowing Facts about Chocolate That You Should Know

19. Massachusetts ranks as the top state for education attainment and quality of education, reflecting its strong commitment to providing high-quality education to its residents.

20. Harvard University, founded in Massachusetts in 1636, was the first college established for higher education in the United States.

21-25 Insane Facts About Massachusetts

25 Unbelievable Massachusetts Facts that will blow your mind

21. The Constitution of Massachusetts explicitly grants Harvard College special rights and privileges, including the freedom to manage its own affairs and a possible exemption from eminent domain. This protection ensures that the institution can maintain its autonomy and academic integrity.

22. In Massachusetts, adultery is considered a serious offense that can result in a fine of $10 to $500 or up to 4 years in prison. 

25 Unbelievable Massachusetts Facts that will blow your mind

23. Happy hours, or discounted drinks during certain times of the day, are illegal in Massachusetts. 

Read More: 15 Shocking Facts About Alcohol That Will Make Your Head Dizzy

24. It is illegal in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to scare a pigeon, as this can be seen as a form of animal cruelty. The state takes the welfare of its wildlife seriously and has laws in place to protect them.

25. Taking a lion to the movies is also against the law in Massachusetts. While this may seem like a strange and unlikely scenario, this law is in place to prevent dangerous and disruptive behavior that could put others at risk.

That’s it for this post guys, I hope you had fun while reading 25 Massachusetts facts for students
