15 Interesting Facts About Whales That You Probably Didn’t Know

15 Interesting Facts About Whales That You Probably Didn’t Know

Did you know? The blue whale boasts the world’s longest penis, measuring over 8 feet long!

15 Interesting Facts About Whales That You Probably Didn’t Know

Incredible, isn’t it? Whales are not only the biggest animals in the world. But they are also filled with several interesting facts that you should know.

Fun Facts about Whales

1. Blue whales are the largest animals to have ever existed. In American terms, They are as long as about three school buses and weigh as heavy as 15 school buses 🙂

Blue whales even outsize the dinosaurs.

2. The average life span of a blue whale is about 80 to 90 years, but the oldest one was about one hundred and ten years old.

3. Blue whales can eat four tons of food a day, that’s more than an African elephant weighs. Despite the whale’s enormous size, their diet is primarily krills. But sometimes, they also eat copepod crustaceans and small fish. However, Humpback and Bryde’s whales also actively hunt for small schooling fish such as herring and anchovies.

4. Blue whales have one of the loudest calls in the animal kingdom, measuring up to 188 decibels. And their song can be loud enough to overpower the sounds of jackhammers and jet engines. The whales use their powerful songs to communicate with each other, oftentimes from long distances.

5. A blue whale’s age can be determined by its earwax.

Surprising Facts about Whales

6. The blue whale boasts the world’s longest penis, measuring over 8 feet long!

7. A blue whale’s pregnancy lasts for nearly two years.

A newborn blue whale calf is around 7.5 meters long and weighs about 100 men. Until they are roughly 8 months old, they gain 4 kg every hour. They usually weigh 22 tons by then!

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8. The vomit of a whale is worth tens of thousands of pounds and is used to make perfume!

9. Beluga whales are very good at mimicking our voices.

10. The hippo is the closest living related to whales!

Insane Facts about Whales

11. The tongue of a blue whale can be as heavy as an Elephant, while the heart of a blue whale can be as heavy as a car.

Read More: 20 Interesting Facts About Elephants That Will Amaze You

12. Most whales and Dolphins have between 3-4 stomachs. Whereas each Baird’s beaked whale has a total of 13 stomachs. 

15 Interesting Facts About Whales That You Probably Didn’t Know

13. Blue whales aren’t blue, they look true blue underwater, but on the surface, their coloring is more a mottled blue-gray.

14. Sperm whales have the biggest brains of any animal on earth, and its brain weighs about five times as much as human brain. 

15 Interesting Facts About Whales That You Probably Didn’t Know

15. Before whaling, there may have been as many as 250,000. But today, it is one of the world’s rarest species, with the population of blue whales numbering just 10,000-25,000.

Thankfully, global whaling restrictions have been enacted, allowing the species to slowly recover.

That’s it for this post guys, I hope you had fun while reading 15 Mind-Blowing Whales facts for kids.