25 Mind-Blowing Facts You Need to Know About North Dakota

25 Mind-Blowing Facts You Need to Know About North Dakota

Welcome to the Peace Garden State, where the plains are vast, the winters are cold, and the people are resilient. North Dakota is a state full of surprises and fascinating tales, from the home of the world’s largest buffalo statue to the site of the deadliest tornado in US history. Whether you’re a fan of outdoor activities, history, or just interesting trivia, there’s something for everyone in North Dakota. So, grab some knoephla soup and let’s discover 25 amazing North Dakota facts that will make you say, “Who knew?”

1-5 Facts About North Dakota

25 Mind-Blowing Facts You Need to Know About North Dakota

1. North and South Dakota exist as separate states due to a dispute over the location of the state capital. Each wanted the capital to be in their respective territories, leading to their eventual separation.

2. North Dakota has a total area of 70,704 mi² (183,123 km²), making it the nation’s 19th largest state. Syria and Cambodia are comparable in size to North Dakota.

25 Mind-Blowing Facts You Need to Know About North Dakota

3. With a population of 770,000, North Dakota is the 4th least populous state in the US. It also has the 4th lowest population density, with just 11 people per mi² (4.2 per km²).

4. Bismarck, with a population of 73,000, is North Dakota’s capital city and ranks at the bottom of the list of the 500 largest cities in the US.

5. North Dakota did not technically qualify for statehood until 2012 due to a constitutional error that was only discovered and corrected after being brought to light by a 66-year-old man.

6-10 Facts About North Dakota

6. Every incorporated community in North Dakota is considered a city, regardless of its size, meaning the state has no towns or villages. The smallest city in North Dakota is Maza, which has a population of just five people.

7. The word “Dakota” means “friend” in the local Sioux language.

8. North Dakota’s state motto is “Liberty and Union Now and Forever, One and Inseparable.” This motto refers to the nation’s unity and indivisibility.

9. An unusual law in North Dakota prohibits the serving of beer and pretzels at the same time, likely to prevent overconsumption.

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10. It is illegal to sell alcohol on Thanksgiving Day in North Dakota. This law was put in place to encourage people to spend the holiday with their families rather than at bars and liquor stores.

11-15 Facts About North Dakota

25 Mind-Blowing Facts You Need to Know About North Dakota

11. More than a third of North Dakota’s population is of Norwegian ancestry, and over 1700 people still speak Norwegian as their first language despite not being immigrants themselves.

12. North Dakota is the number one state in the US for beer consumption per capita, with the average adult consuming 45.8 gallons of beer each year.

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25 Mind-Blowing Facts You Need to Know About North Dakota

13. The first mosque ever built in North America was constructed in rural North Dakota, a testament to the state’s diverse and multicultural history.

14. The government of North Dakota owns the North Dakota Mill and Elevator Association, which produces its own flour, bread mix, and pancake mix. Consumers can purchase these products directly from the facility.

15. An astonishing 30% of the natural gas produced in North Dakota is burned off as waste, enough to heat 500,000 homes.

16-20 Facts About North Dakota

16. North Dakota currently boasts the lowest unemployment rate in the United States. In fact, the state’s current rate is equal to or lower than the lowest historical rates of 31 other states.

17. North Dakota is the only state in the US that does not require voter registration to participate in elections.

25 Mind-Blowing Facts You Need to Know About North Dakota

18. Nearly 90% of North Dakota’s land area, or 39.1 million acres, is used for farming and ranching.

19. The geographical center of North America is marked in Rugby, North Dakota, making it an interesting destination for travelers and geography enthusiasts.

25 Mind-Blowing Facts You Need to Know About North Dakota

20. North Dakota is home to the “World’s Largest Holstein Cow,” a 38-foot-high and 50-foot-long statue built to honor the area’s dairy industry. It can be seen from a distance of up to five miles.

21-25 Facts About North Dakota

21. Did you know that milk is the official state beverage of North Dakota? And not just there – it’s also the top pick in 21 other states across the US!

22. Back in 1947 and 1989, some folks in North Dakota wanted to rename their state to just “Dakota” – but the legislature put the kibosh on that idea both times. Looks like they’re sticking with the “North” for now.

23. Talk about a breadbasket! North Dakota produces so much wheat each year that they could make 1.5 loaves of bread for every single person on the planet.

24. North Dakota residents take their faith seriously – there are more churches per capita there than in any other state in the country. So if you’re looking for a place to worship, you’ll have plenty of options.

25 Mind-Blowing Facts You Need to Know About North Dakota

25. When it comes to religion in North Dakota, Protestants outnumber Catholics by a factor of two. That’s not to say there’s any animosity between the two groups – just that there are more Lutherans, Methodists, and Baptists up there than Catholics.

That’s it for this post guys, I hope you had fun while reading 25 Interesting North Dakota Facts For Students.

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