25 Mind-Blowing Facts About Nazi That Will Shock You

25 Mind-Blowing Facts About Nazi That Will Shock You

While the word “Nazi” often evokes feelings of horror and disgust, there is no denying the fact that the Nazi regime had a profound impact on world history. From the horrors of the Holocaust to the Second World War, the Nazi era is a dark chapter in human history that we must never forget. So, let’s delve into 25 Nazi facts that shed light on this regime’s ideology, actions, and ultimate downfall.

1-10 Interesting Facts About Nazis

1. Anton Drexler founded the German Workers’ Party in 1919, which later became the Nazi Party. 

2. After Hindenburg died in 1934, Adolf Hitler assumed the title of “Führer” in the Nazi Party. 

3. Hitler eventually took over the party completely and changed its name to the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. 

25 Mind-Blowing Facts About Nazi That Will Shock You

4. In 1938, Time Magazine named Hitler as their “Person of the Year.”

5. In 1939, the Nazis enforced the wearing of a yellow Star of David by Jews as a means of identification and persecution, making them easy targets and isolating them from society. 

25 Mind-Blowing Facts About Nazi That Will Shock You

6. This led to the murder and persecution of 6 million Jews during the Nazi Party’s reign.

7. After the war, Hitler intended to collect thousands of Jewish artifacts for a “Museum of An Extinct Race.”

8. Before the Holocaust, Hitler offered the United States, Great Britain, and many other countries the opportunity to accept Jewish refugees. They declined.

Read More: 20 Horrifying Holocaust Facts That Every Human Should Know

25 Mind-Blowing Facts About Nazi That Will Shock You

9. During the Second World War, Nazi scientists created an experimental drug cocktail that included oxycodone, cocaine, and methamphetamine. When administered to test subjects, the cocktail gave them almost superhuman abilities, allowing them to march up to 90 kilometers a day while carrying a 20-kilogram backpack, without experiencing fatigue.

10. US President Dwight D. Eisenhower was aware of the potential for Holocaust deniers and had numerous photographs taken of the Nazi vessels to counter any such claims.

11-20 Shocking Facts About Nazis

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11. In a crossover comic special that shook the world, Marvel and DC came together in 1997 to create “Batman/Captain America.” And in this comic, The Joker steals an atomic bomb after being hired by Red Skull. But when he finds out that Red Skull is a Nazi, he attacks him, declaring that he may be a criminal lunatic, but he’s an American criminal lunatic. Now that’s a twist!

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12. Ironically, a German soldier named Werner Goldberg, who was half-Jewish, was hailed as the ideal German soldier due to his physical appearance during the war.

13. The Nazis were avid animal lovers, and Hitler, Hermann Goring, and other Nazi leaders supported animal rights and conservation. The Nazi Party even introduced animal protection and hunting limitations. Hitler even became a vegetarian in his later years.

14. The Nazis devised a plan to counterfeit the British pound, manufacturing over 132 million pounds, equivalent to seven billion pounds today, using a German concentration camp. The plan was to cause hyperinflation and send the British economy into a meltdown.

15. The Nazis believed in the superiority of Germans as a race, but it wasn’t just Germans who became Nazis. They also kidnapped hundreds of thousands of Polish children whom they considered racially superior and forcibly Germanized them. 

16. Shockingly, only 10% of these children ever returned to Poland after the war, a testament to the power of Nazi brainwashing.

17. The Nazis were known for their penchant for invading other countries. And by June 1941, they had already occupied numerous nations, including Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Greece, Denmark, Yugoslavia, Norway, and Poland. 

18. However, Switzerland posed a unique challenge for the Nazis due to its longstanding neutrality, which they had no intention of respecting. Despite their best efforts to invade the country, the treacherous mountainous terrain surrounding Switzerland proved too difficult to conquer.

19. During the Nazi party’s first book burning, one of the works destroyed was an 1821 play by Heinrich Heine, which contained the famous line “Where they burned books, they will in the end also burn people.”

20. The United States provided asylum to Nazi war criminals for years but attempted to cover it until they were sued under the Freedom of Information Act.

21-25 Surprising Facts About Nazis

25 Mind-Blowing Facts About Nazi That Will Shock You

21. While the idea is heavily disputed, some believe that Nazi doctors were the first to identify the link between smoking and lung cancer. As a result, the Nazis were among the first groups to promote an anti-smoking campaign.

22. One of the most shocking Nazi plans was to turn the entire cities of Moscow and Warsaw into artificial lakes. Fortunately, this plan was never carried out.

25 Mind-Blowing Facts About Nazi That Will Shock You

23. The Nazis attempted to “cure” homosexuality by forcing homosexual inmates to have sex with female sex slaves.

24. Hitler only had one ball.

25 Mind-Blowing Facts About Nazi That Will Shock You

25. During WW1, a British soldier spared the life of a wounded German: Adolf Hitler.

That’s it for this post guys, I hope you had fun while reading 25 Interesting Nazi facts.

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