20 Awesome Facts About Maryland That Will Blow Your Mind

20 Awesome Facts About Maryland That Will Blow Your Mind

Welcome to the Old Line State, where the crab cakes are delicious, the state flag is unique, and the history is rich. Maryland is a state full of surprises and fascinating tales, from the home of the first dental school in the world to the birthplace of Babe Ruth. Whether you’re a fan of food, sports, or just quirky trivia, there’s something for everyone in Maryland. So, grab a crab mallet, and let’s discover 20 amazing Maryland facts that will make you say, “Holy moly!”

1-5 Fun Facts About Maryland

20 Awesome Facts About Maryland That Will Blow Your Mind

1. Spanning 12,407 mi² (32,133 km²), it’s the 9th smallest state in the US, slightly edging out Hawaii but falling short of West Virginia. 

2. But don’t let its size fool you – if Maryland were a country, it would be larger than Belgium!

3. Maryland is also notable for its shape, which resembles a gun! The Eastern Shore makes up the handle, while the Western Shore of Chesapeake Bay serves as the trigger. The long, skinny western part of the state forms the barrel. 

4. But what really makes Maryland stand out is its people. With a population of 6.2 million, it’s the 19th most populous state, sandwiched between Missouri and Wisconsin. 

20 Awesome Facts About Maryland That Will Blow Your Mind

5. With 636 people per mi², it’s the 5th most densely populated state in the country. Only New Jersey, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Connecticut have a higher density of people.

6-10 Interesting Facts About Maryland

20 Awesome Facts About Maryland That Will Blow Your Mind

6. However, Its capital, Annapolis has a population of only 42,000.

7. In a historical twist, the city of Havre de Grace, Maryland once tied with Washington D.C. to be the capital of the United States. Unfortunately for Maryland, it lost to D.C. following a tie-breaking vote cast by the House Speaker in favor of the nation’s current capital.

Read More: 20 Interesting Washington, DC Facts that you need to know

20 Awesome Facts About Maryland That Will Blow Your Mind

8. Plus, it boasts one of the lowest poverty rates in the country, alongside New Hampshire, Utah, and Hawaii. 

9. Davis, a black musician, was able to break down the entire KKK network in Maryland by doing something unexpected: befriending its members. He even served as a pallbearer at a Klansman’s funeral. It’s a remarkable story of how compassion and understanding can overcome even the deepest divisions.

10. In another twist of fate, when Maryland removed millions of dollars of tax benefits for filming, Netflix threatened to move House of Cards S3 production elsewhere. But the legislature wasn’t about to let that happen – they responded by threatening to use eminent domain to seize the production team’s assets since they had already received millions in tax benefits. 

11-15 Surprising Facts About Maryland

11. There is a village in Maryland called Accident. And the people from the Accident are called Accidentals.

12. And if you’re a South Park fan, you might be interested to know that there’s a college in Maryland that offers a class analyzing the show’s social commentary.

20 Awesome Facts About Maryland That Will Blow Your Mind

13. While Maryland has a lot to be proud of, its official anthem is a bit controversial. It celebrates a pro-Confederacy riot, calls for Maryland to secede, and even refers to President Lincoln as a “tyrant” and the USA as “Northern scum.” 

Read More: 20 Mind Blowing Abraham Lincoln Facts

14. Finally, if you’re a nature lover, you might want to check out the island shared by Maryland and Virginia that’s populated by feral horses. It’s a unique and beautiful sight that’s worth seeing for yourself.

15. It was the first state to designate an official state exercise: walking. And if that’s not impressive enough, Maryland also has the second highest number of millionaires per capita in the US, right after New Jersey. 

16-20 Weird Facts About Maryland

16. Maryland has some interesting laws and facts that you might not know about. For example, did you know that it holds the nation’s highest possible litter fine of up to $30,000 and 5 years in jail? That’s how serious the state is about keeping its streets clean and green.

17. If you’re ever in court in Maryland, you might be surprised to see the judges wearing red robes instead of the traditional black ones. That’s because the Maryland Court of Appeals is the only supreme court in the U.S. that follows this tradition.

18. While Maryland is generally a progressive state, it does have some outdated laws on the books. For example, it’s technically illegal for women to go through their husband’s pockets when they’re sleeping. 

19. And if you were thinking of taking your lion to the theater in Maryland, think again: there’s an old law against doing just that.

20 Awesome Facts About Maryland That Will Blow Your Mind

20. On a more serious note, fortune telling is technically against the law in Baltimore, and you could even be put in jail for a year or fined $500 for doing so. 

That’s it for this post guys, I hope you had fun while reading 20 Interesting Maryland Facts a to z.

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