20 Heartwarming Facts About Harambe That You Need To Know

20 Heartwarming Facts About Harambe That You Need To Know

In 2016, the world mourned the tragic loss of Harambe, the beloved gorilla who captured hearts and inspired a global outpouring of grief. But beyond the headlines and internet memes, Harambe’s life and legacy hold captivating stories that deserve to be remembered. Join us on a journey to celebrate the remarkable existence of this majestic silverback, as we uncover 20 fascinating facts about Harambe’s life, his impact on wildlife conservation, and the enduring imprint he left on our hearts. From his playful nature to the inspiring efforts to preserve his memory, get ready to immerse yourself in the awe-inspiring world of Harambe!

1-5 Fun Facts About Harambe

20 Heartwarming Facts About Harambe That You Need To Know

1. Harambe, the legendary gorilla, was born on May 27, 1999, at the Gladys Porter Zoo in Brownsville, Texas. 

2. As a western lowland silverback gorilla, he belonged to a critically endangered species, with recent estimates indicating less than 175,000 of these majestic creatures remaining in the wild.

3. The now-famous gorilla earned his name thanks to local area counselor Dan Van Coppenolle, who won a naming contest sponsored by the zoo. 

4. Inspired by Rita Marley’s song “Harambe,” Dan bestowed this meaningful moniker upon the silverback.

5. Weighing an impressive 400-440 pounds, Harambe could be considered a super-heavyweight in boxing terms. 

6-10 Shocking Facts About Harambe

6. Harambe means “all pull together” in Swahili, and is the official motto of Kenya.

7. Harambe was lovingly raised by Jerry Jones in Texas, who affectionately nicknamed him the “gentle giant” due to his size and amiable nature.

8. While residing at the Cincinnati Zoo, he shared the habitat with nine other lowland silverback gorillas.

9. Tragically, on May 28, 2016, Harambe’s life took a devastating turn when a three-year-old boy visiting the Cincinnati Zoo accidentally fell into the moat at the Gorilla World habitat. As the boy attracted Harambe’s attention, the gorilla’s actions during the ensuing tense ten minutes became the cause of his untimely demise.

10. Distressed by the situation and further agitated by the screams of onlookers, Harambe approached the child and eventually dragged him through the water. Although he placed the boy on the ground, his actions, including pushing the child back into a sitting position when he tried to stand, raised alarm among zoo officials. As a result, they made the heart-wrenching decision to intervene and safeguard the child’s life.

11-15 Sad Facts About Harambe

20 Heartwarming Facts About Harambe That You Need To Know

11. The tragic events surrounding Harambe, the beloved gorilla, unfolded just one day after his birthday. 

12. Typically, gorillas of his kind have a life expectancy of 35-40 years, making his untimely death even more heartbreaking.

13. Following the incident, a Change.org petition titled “Justice for Harambe” emerged, and it placed blame on the parents of the child involved in Harambe’s death.

14. The shooting of Harambe elicited strong emotions from various celebrities, with Ricky Gervais and Brian May being among the most prominent figures expressing their anger and grief over the loss of the gorilla.

15. In honor of Harambe’s memory, numerous vigils were organized worldwide, with more than 4,000 people attending a candlelight vigil at Hyde Park, London.

11-15 Interesting Facts About Harambe

20 Heartwarming Facts About Harambe That You Need To Know

16. The viral nature of Harambe’s story extended beyond traditional news, as a Cheeto shaped like him was sold for an astounding sum of nearly $100,000, further cementing his status as a celebrity.

17. Harambe’s passing deeply resonated with the online community, leading to countless memes and tributes. He was often included alongside iconic figures such as Prince, David Bowie, Muhammad Ali, and Alan Rickman in memorials to celebrities who passed away in 2016.

18. The internet being what it is, Harambe inspired a plethora of memes, many of which were downright hilarious. In fact, Vox declared him the “undeniable meme of the year” in 2016.

19. In an effort to preserve genetic diversity and prevent the extinction of his bloodline, Harambe’s sperm was extracted from his body shortly after his passing.

20. Tragically, Harambe had experienced the loss of family members before his own death. His mother, full brother, and two half siblings met their demise when a tub of wet chlorine tablets was left near a space heater, releasing toxic fumes that affected the gorilla enclosure.

That’s it for this post guys, I hope you had fun while reading about 20 Awesome Harambe Facts

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