20 Mind-Blowing Facts About Haiti That Will Amaze You

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Prepare to be swept away by the colorful and complex world of Haiti! This Caribbean nation is known for its vibrant culture, rich history, and stunning natural beauty, but there’s so much more to discover beneath the surface. From its fascinating Vodou traditions to its status as the world’s first black republic, Haiti is a country that defies expectations and captivates the imagination. Join us as we explore some of the most intriguing Haiti facts and uncover the hidden gems of this truly unique destination.

1-5 Fun Facts About Haiti

20 Mind-Blowing Facts About Haiti That Will Amaze You

1. The majority of Haitians are Roman Catholic, with 16% being Protestant and 4% following other religions. 

2. Unfortunately, only 53% of the population can read and write.

20 Mind-Blowing Haiti Facts That Will Surprise You

3. Soccer is Haiti’s national sport, and they first participated in the World Cup in 1974.

4. When Christopher Columbus first arrived on the island of Hispaniola (where Haiti is located), he mistakenly believed that he had discovered India or Asia.

5. In 1802, Napoleon enlisted a Polish legion to suppress the slave rebellion in Haiti. However, the Poles ended up siding with the Haitian slaves, and the first Haitian leader praised them as “the White Negroes of Europe.”

6-10 Scary Facts About Haiti

6. The average lifespan of Haitian citizens is 63.29 years, which is lower than the global average due to factors such as poverty, disease, and political instability.

20 Mind-Blowing Facts About Haiti That Will Amaze You

7. Although Haiti has 14 airports, only 4 of them have fully finished runways, limiting their accessibility and transportation options.

8. Only a small percentage of Haitian citizens own cars, with just 5 out of 1,000 people having access to a vehicle, reflecting the economic challenges faced by many Haitians.

9. When Christopher Columbus first arrived in Haiti, he mistakenly believed he had discovered Asia or India, highlighting the historical confusion and misunderstandings surrounding the region.

10. Haiti has had a tumultuous political history, with over seventy different dictators ruling the country between 1804 and 1915, which has had a significant impact on their social, economic, and political development.

11-15 Surprising Facts About Haiti

11. Haiti is a country that faces significant poverty, with 80% of its population living below the poverty line. And a whopping 54% are living in extreme poverty. The average yearly income per person is only $480.

12. After the devastating earthquake that struck Haiti, the charity “Feed The Children” falsely claimed to have provided medical relief for 12,000 people when they had only sent three doctors, and no one had been fed.

13. Haiti has the highest percentage of orphans in the Western Hemisphere due to violence and AIDS, with an estimated 430,000 orphans before the 2010 earthquake.

14. Being a slave owner himself, President Jefferson refused to acknowledge Haiti’s independence after their successful revolt against slavery. He even imposed a trade embargo on Haiti to prevent its economic success, fearing it would inspire slaves in the United States.

20 Mind-Blowing Facts About Haiti That Will Amaze You

15. Haiti was the first country to recognize Greece’s independence and allegedly sent 25 tons of coffee beans to finance its rebellion against the Ottoman Empire.

16-20 Interesting Facts About Haiti

20 Mind-Blowing Facts About Haiti That Will Amaze You

16. Following the devastating 2010 earthquake in Haiti, UN peacekeepers from Nepal brought cholera with them, resulting in a massive outbreak that infected 800,000 people and killed at least 9,000.

17. During the opening ceremony of the 1936 Olympics, Haiti and Liechtenstein discovered they had identical flags. The following year, Liechtenstein added a crown to its flag to distinguish it from Haiti.

18. In 1941, the President of Haiti declared war on six Axis powers, including Japan, Germany, and Italy. However, only Romania reciprocated and declared war on Haiti.

19. During France’s rule over Haiti, it is estimated that up to half a million people were enslaved, forced to work on plantations, and subjected to brutal conditions, which led to the deaths of many due to overwork, starvation, and disease.

20. Haiti had to pay France to compensate for lost colonial profits after their successful slave rebellion, and it took until 1947 to pay off this independence debt.

That’s it for this post guys, I hope you had fun while reading 20 Interesting Haiti Facts For Kids.

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