20 Fascinating Arkansas Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

20 Fascinating Arkansas Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

Welcome to the Natural State, where the rivers are winding, the mountains are beautiful, and the hospitality is warm. Arkansas is a state full of surprises and fascinating tales, from the home of the first national river in the United States to the birthplace of the famous Walmart. Whether you’re a fan of history, outdoor activities, or just interesting trivia, there’s something for everyone in Arkansas. So, grab some sweet tea, and let’s explore 20 amazing Arkansas facts that will make you say, “Well, shucks!”

1-5 Fun Facts About Arkansas

20 Fascinating Arkansas Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

1. Arkansas, the 29th largest state in the US, spans 53,179 mi2 (137,732 km2) of water and land.

    2. To give you an idea of its size, it’s almost as big as Greece.

    20 Fascinating Arkansas Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

    3. Within Arkansas, there are 75 counties, with the most populous being Pulaski County, which is home to Little Rock, the state capital.

    4. Surprisingly, despite being known for its vast farmlands, Arkansas is covered by over 19 million acres of forestland, making up a whopping 56% of the state. There are approximately 11.8 billion trees in this area. Arkansas is also a major producer of various minerals, including bauxite, bromine, natural gas, silica stone, and petroleum.

    20 Fascinating Arkansas Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

    5. Beebe, Arkansas, made headlines in 2011 when over 1,000 blackbirds mysteriously fell from the sky, a phenomenon that still perplexes experts to this day.

    6-10 Interesting Facts About Arkansas

    6. On a brighter note, Arkansas is also home to Walmart, the world’s most profitable company, which is based in Bentonville. The state is also the leading producer of rice and poultry in the US, contributing to almost half of the nation’s output.

    7. Every year in Stuttgart, Arkansas, people flock to witness the World’s Championship Duck Calling Contest, a time-honored tradition that celebrates the art of duck calling.

    8. The state of Arkansas takes pride in its name and has even made it illegal to mispronounce it. So make sure you say it right!

    9. In Fayetteville, dogs have a curfew of sorts – they are not allowed to bark after 6 PM! 

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    20 Fascinating Arkansas Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

    10. While alligators may make for fascinating pets, it’s important to note that in Arkansas it’s illegal to put them in your bathtub. Sorry, gator lovers.

    11-15 Shocking Facts About Arkansas

    20 Fascinating Arkansas Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

    11. Flying with a moose may seem like a wild adventure, but in Arkansas, it’s illegal to push a live animal out of a moving airplane. Seems like common sense, right?

    12. Flirting may be a fun pastime for some, but in Little Rock, it could land you in jail for 30 days if it’s done on the streets. Maybe stick to online dating.

    13. The Arkansas River is a natural wonder that residents take pride in, and they’ve made it a law that it can never rise above the Main Street Bridge. We’re not sure how this law is enforced, but let’s hope the river is cooperative!

    14. But perhaps the most surprising law in Arkansas is that a man can legally beat his wife – but only once a month.

    20 Fascinating Arkansas Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

    15. History is full of fascinating stories, and Arkansas has some interesting ones to share! Did you know that Abraham Lincoln became President in 1860 without even being on the ballot in 10 states? Those states included Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas.

    16-20 Insane Facts About Arkansas

    16. In 1928, an Arkansas man made history when he put a controversial sign in his storefront, reading “Evolution Is True. The Bible’s a Lie. God’s a Ghost.” For this act of blasphemy, he became the last person to be convicted of such a crime in the United States, spending three months in jail.

    17. But not all of Arkansas’s stories are so fraught with conflict. The state is also home to the only diamond mine open to the public, where visitors can find gems to take home.

    20 Fascinating Arkansas Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

    18. Since it became a state park in 1972, more than 31,000 gems have been found by lucky visitors.

    19. One woman in Arkansas, Ruth Coker Burks, made it her mission to help during the AIDS epidemic in the late 1980s. When families abandoned their loved ones, she stepped up to provide support, medication, and palliative care for over 1,000 AIDS patients. She even buried more than 40 gay men in her own family cemetery, when their families wouldn’t claim them.

    20. Finally, it’s worth noting that even Arkansas itself has faced its own struggles. During the Great Depression, the state’s finances were so dire that the treasurer at one point reported a balance of only $4.62 for the entire general revenue fund.

    That’s it for this post guys, I hope you had fun while reading 20 Interesting Arkansas Facts.

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