30 Fascinating Facts About Women That Will Amaze You

30 Fascinating Facts About Women That Will Amaze You

Ladies, are you ready to celebrate the incredible power and achievements of women? Get ready to be inspired, enlightened, and empowered with 30 fascinating facts that shine a spotlight on the remarkable contributions of women throughout history and across the globe. From trailblazing leaders to unsung heroes, we’re lifting the veil on the accomplishments, struggles, and triumphs of women from all walks of life. So, put on your feminist cape, stand tall, and let’s explore these 30 awe-inspiring women facts that will leave you saying, “You go, girl!” It’s time to honor and celebrate the extraordinary accomplishments of women, past and present.

1-10 Fun Facts About Women

30 Fascinating Facts About Women That Will Amaze You

1. Women speak an average of 20,000 words a day, 13,000 more than the average man.

2. In ancient Rome, women used the sweat of Gladiators to enhance their beauty and complexion.

3. UK women own 19 pairs of shoes but wear only 7.

30 Fascinating Facts About Women That Will Amaze You

4. Women spend nearly a year of their lives deciding what to wear.

30 Fascinating Facts About Women That Will Amaze You

5. In Russia, there are 9 million more women than men.

6. On average, women cry between 30 and 64 times a year, while men cry between 6 and 17 times.

7. Men lie about 6 times a day, twice as often as women.

30 Fascinating Facts About Women That Will Amaze You

8. The symbol for the female sex (♀) represents Aphrodite’s hand mirror, as she was the Greek goddess of beauty.

9. Men were the first to wear high heels around the 1600s, and women adopted them to look more masculine.

10. Shockingly, dirty water is a leading cause of death for women worldwide, surpassing diabetes, AIDS, or breast cancer. 

11-20 Interesting Facts About Women

11.  In a bold and empowering protest, 100,000 women participated in a “Boobquake” in 2010 to challenge the baseless claim by an Islamic cleric that women who dress provocatively cause earthquakes. Nothing happened.

12. Women’s hearts beat faster than men’s.

13. Women spend over 4 years of their lives menstruating.

14. America’s first female mayor was elected in 1887 as a prank, but she won with over 60% of the vote.

15. Women have more taste buds than men.

16. The record for most children born to one woman is 69.

17. Women in Niger have the highest average of 7 children.

18. Women live longer than men partly due to slower aging of their immune systems.

19. Research shows women experience more nightmares and emotional dreams than men.

20. Jamaica, Colombia, and St. Lucia are countries where women are more likely to be bosses than men.

21-30 Scary Facts About Women

21. Women are estimated to account for 85% of consumer spending in the U.S.

22. Men sweat up to twice as much as women.

23. The United Arab Emirates has the largest-gender imbalance, with 219 men for every 100 women.

24. Women earn US$18 trillion but spend US$28 trillion worldwide.

30 Fascinating Facts About Women That Will Amaze You

25. The first computer programmers were women.

26. Gender equality in the workplace could add US$4.3 trillion to the U.S. economy by 2025 according to a 2016 study.

30 Fascinating Facts About Women That Will Amaze You

27. 80% of buyers of the Fifty Shades of Grey books are female.

28. 1 in 3 women in the United States regularly watches p*rn.

29. Women with breast implants are 3 times more likely to commit suicide.

30 Fascinating Facts About Women That Will Amaze You

30. A French study published in 2013 suggests that bras may cause breasts to sag.

That’s it for this post guys, I hope you had fun while reading 30 Interesting Women Facts

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