20 Mind-Blowing Facts About Warren Buffet

20 Swash Buckling Facts About Warren Buffet

Unlocking the secrets of success, one nugget of wisdom at a time! Dive into the fascinating world of Warren Buffett with these 20 mind-boggling facts. From his legendary investment strategies to his quirky habits, get ready for a rollercoaster ride through the Oracle of Omaha’s extraordinary life. Spoiler alert: He doesn’t eat breakfast like the rest of us, and his love for Coca-Cola might just be the secret to financial brilliance. Let’s unravel the mysteries behind the man, the myth, the billionaire!

1-5 Fun Facts About Warren Buffet

20 Swash Buckling Facts About Warren Buffet

1. At the ripe age of 11, while most kids were trading Pokémon cards, he bought six shares of Cities Service Preferred (now CITGO) for $38 each in 1942.

2. Filing his first tax return at 13, Buffett reported income from his paper route, claiming a $35 deduction for bicycle use. 

3. By the age of 16, he had amassed $53,000.

4. The top investments in Buffett’s holding company, Berkshire Hathaway, include Apple, Bank of America, Coca-Cola, American Express, Kraft Heinz, Moody’s, Verizon, U.S. Bancorp, Chevron, Bank of New York, GEICO Insurance, BNSF Railways, and Cypress Insurance.

5. However, Warren Buffett’s acquisition of Berkshire Hathaway was initially fueled by frustration and spite. In the 1960s, the company, then a failing textiles business, prompted Buffett to sell his stake. When the company’s president offered a lowball figure, Buffett retaliated by purchasing the entire company with the sole intention of firing him. In 2010, Buffett acknowledged it as his most significant investment mistake.

6-10 Interesting Facts About Warren Buffet

6. Facing rejection from Harvard Business School was a pivotal moment for Warren Buffett. But Buffett’s rejection led him to the discovery that his idols, Benjamin Graham and David Dodd, were alive and kicking at Columbia Business School. Encouraged by this revelation, Buffett seized the opportunity and wrote a letter expressing his eagerness to join Columbia. “I wrote them a letter in mid-August,” Buffett shares. “I said, ‘Dear Professor Dodd. I thought you guys were dead, but now that I found out that you’re alive and teaching at Columbia, I would really like to come.’ And he admitted me.”

7. This man, the third richest on the planet with a cool $75 billion in his wallet, casually took Bill Gates to McDonald’s. And the cherry on top? He paid for the meal using coupons.

8. McDonald’s has a Gold Card, the Willy Wonka golden ticket for fast food. Buffett and Gates possess a McDonald’s Gold Card, providing them with unlimited free food. 

9. Since 2000, Buffett has hosted an annual charity lunch auction on eBay. In 2019, a bidder offered $4.57 million for the privilege of dining with Buffett, with the proceeds benefiting the San Francisco-based anti-poverty charity GLIDE. The winner also got to invite seven friends to join the lunch at Smith and Wollensky Steakhouse in New York City.

10. Did you know that in 2013, Buffett was practically earning $37 million every day? By the end of the year, his net worth skyrocketed from $46 billion to a cool $59 billion. 

11-15 Awesome Facts About Warren Buffet

20 Swash Buckling Facts About Warren Buffet

11. Remarkably, nearly 94 percent of his wealth was accumulated after turning 60.

12. Despite having a Twitter account with over 1.25 million followers (@WarrenBuffett), Warren Buffett has only posted nine tweets, and none of them were actually written by him.

13. Buffett is an avid reader, devoting around 80 percent of his day to newspapers, starting from the moment he wakes up.

14. In 2011, he was honored with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award, by President Barack Obama.

15. He’s a fan of the TV series Breaking Bad.

16-20 Shocking Facts About Warren Buffet

20 Swash Buckling Facts About Warren Buffet

16. Warren Buffett consumes five cans of Coke a day. His 25% of his daily calorie intake is from Coco-cola.

17. In an insightful interview, Buffett shared his hiring philosophy: “In looking for people to hire, you look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence, and energy. And if they don’t have the first, the other two will kill you.”

18. Warren Buffett calls a modest 6,000-square-foot home in Omaha, Nebraska, his residence, a property he purchased in 1958 for $31,500.

19. Teaming up for a philanthropic cause, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Warren Buffett signed a pledge to give away half of their wealth over their lifetimes. Buffett is committed to charitable giving, having pledged to donate 99% of his wealth to charity, primarily through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

20. In a surprising move, Buffett transitioned from using a flip phone to an iPhone in 2020.

That’s it for this post guys, I hope you had fun while reading about 20 Fun Warren Buffet facts

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