15 Eye-Opening Thomas Edison Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

15 Eye-Opening Thomas Edison Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

“Discover the incredible mind behind some of the most revolutionary inventions of the modern world as we delve into 15 fascinating facts about Thomas Edison. From illuminating light bulbs to shaping the very foundation of our technological landscape, Edison’s genius and relentless pursuit of innovation continue to inspire generations. Join us on this captivating journey through his life and inventions, as we unravel the remarkable legacy of a true visionary.”

1-5 Fun Facts About Thomas Edison

15 Eye-Opening Thomas Edison Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

1. Hollywood became the hub of the movie industry because filmmakers wanted to escape Thomas Edison’s control. Edison, based in New Jersey, held patents that covered almost every aspect of movie-making. However, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in California was known for ruling against patent claims, making it an attractive location for filmmakers.

2. Edison had a rather unique proposal story. He proposed to his future wife using Morse code, and she accepted his romantic gesture by replying in the same way. 

3. Edison was an advocate for monetary reform in the United States and strongly opposed the gold standard and debt-based money. He famously expressed his views in the New York Times, stating, “Gold is a relic of Julius Caesar, and interest is an invention of Satan.”

4. Surprisingly, Edison had a darker side when it came to the movie industry. He engaged in movie piracy by making numerous unauthorized copies of Georges Méliès’ masterpiece “A Trip to the Moon,” effectively driving Méliès into financial ruin.

5. One of the motivations behind Thomas Edison’s creation of the phonograph was to record the last words and wishes of dying individuals, capturing their final messages for posterity.

6-10 Interesting Facts About Thomas Edison

15 Eye-Opening Thomas Edison Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

6. Nikola Tesla had a bitter experience working for Edison. Tesla was promised a hefty sum of $50,000 if he could enhance Edison’s DC motors, but Edison shamelessly went back on his word, dismissing the promise as “American Humor.”

7. Edison’s feud with Tesla even affected national security during World War I. As the head of R&D at the US Navy, Edison rejected Tesla’s proposal for radars, deeming them futile due to their rivalry.

8. In 1915, rumors circulated that both Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison turned down the Nobel Prize because they refused to share it with each other.

9. Believe it or not, Thomas Edison dabbled in the world of ghost hunting! He attempted to create ghost-hunting equipment, but unfortunately, an assistant lost their life while testing it.

10. In order to promote his motion picture camera, Thomas Edison filmed two cats boxing each other in 1884.

11-15 Shocking Facts About Thomas Edison

11. Edison’s involvement in the development of the electric chair is a dark chapter in his legacy. In an effort to make alternating current (AC) seem more dangerous than his preferred direct current (DC), he publicly killed animals using electricity and helped fund the creation of the electric chair.

12. Contrary to popular belief, Thomas Edison was not the sole inventor of the incandescent light bulb. Canadian inventor Matthew Evans actually created the first working incandescent light bulb in 1874, five years before Edison’s US patent. Evans and his team then sold their patent to Edison for a sum of US$5000.

13. In a poignant tribute following the passing of Thomas Edison, electric lights across the nation were momentarily dimmed for a single minute, symbolizing the profound impact of his contributions to the world of illumination.

14. Thomas Edison was so frustrated with his son’s lack of business sense that he paid him $35 per week to use a different name (Jr to then use Thomas Willard).

15. Thomas Edison taught his second wife Morse code as a means of secret communication when her family was present. They would tap into each other’s hands using Morse code to exchange messages discreetly.

That’s it for this post guys, I hope you had fun while reading about 15 Insane Thomas Edison Facts

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