15 Surprising Facts About Nursing That Will Heal You

15 Surprising Facts About Nursing That Will Heal You

Hold onto your stethoscopes and prepare for a dose of nursing knowledge that’s bound to raise your heart rate! Whether they’re the superheroes of healthcare or the bearers of bottomless patience, nurses play a vital role in keeping us healthy and well. In this riveting read, we’re uncovering 15 astonishing nurse facts that will make you appreciate their unwavering dedication, incredible resilience, and the endless supply of Band-Aids. So, scrub in and get ready to be amazed by the remarkable world of nurses, where compassion meets adrenaline and every day is a whirlwind of medical marvels. Let’s get started, stat!

1-5 Interesting Facts About Nursing

15 Surprising Facts About Nursing That Will Heal You

1. The word “nurse” originates from a Latin term that refers to suckling infants.

2. Nurses constitute 59% of the world’s healthcare workforce.

3. While nursing has traditionally been a female-dominated profession, the number of male nurses is increasing. In 2021, 12% of nurses in the United States were male, a significant rise from the 2.7% recorded in 1970.

4. During World War II, many black American nurses were assigned the task of caring for Nazi prisoners of war instead of tending to U.S. soldiers, a duty that was unwelcome and imposed upon them.

5. There are over 100 different areas of specialization within the field of nursing.

6-10 Surprising Facts About Nursing

6. Due to the significant presence of Catholic nuns as nurses, it became common for Europeans to refer to nurses as “Sister.”

7. Florence Nightingale, a British woman, is credited with establishing modern nursing practices. Prior to her work, nursing the sick was not considered a respectable career.

8. In 2011, a Brazilian man discovered an oil-covered penguin near death. He nursed the penguin back to health, and since then, the penguin swims 3 to 5 thousand miles every year to spend time with his human companion.

9. In 1986, nurse Sandra Clarke couldn’t stay with a patient who requested her presence. Upon her return, she discovered that the patient had died alone. In 2001, she played a key-role in starting the No One Dies Alone program, which involves volunteers sitting with terminally ill patients who have no one else. The program has now expanded worldwide.

10. Edith Cavell, a British nurse, provided medical treatment to soldiers regardless of their nationalities during World War I. She also assisted in their escape from German-occupied Belgium. When caught, she refused to lie about her actions and was subsequently executed by firing squad.

11-15 Amazing Facts About Nursing

15 Surprising Facts About Nursing That Will Heal You

11. Lala, a king penguin, was injured and nursed back to health in Japan. He chose to stay with the family who cared for him, living in an air-conditioned room. Lala would walk around the neighborhood and even obtained fish from a local store. He lived with the family for 10 years before passing away from old age in 1996.

12. Saint Helena, the mother of Roman emperor Constantine the Great, is believed to have established the first nursing home for the elderly in the 3rd century AD.

13. According to a fancy Gallup poll, nurses have been crowned as America’s most honest and ethical professionals a whopping 14 times!

14. The American Nurses Association in the United States ended its policy of racially segregating nurses in response to the urgent need for nurses during World War II.

15. Registered nurses sometimes choose to specialize in a specific disease or body part, focusing their expertise in that particular area.

That’s it for this post guys, I hope you had fun while reading 15 Awesome Nurse facts

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