20 Mind-Blowing North Carolina Facts That You Should Know

20 Mind-Blowing North Carolina Facts That You Should Know

Welcome to the Tar Heel State, where the mountains are high, the beaches are beautiful, and the barbecue is divine. North Carolina is a state full of surprises and fascinating history, from the Wright Brothers’ first flight to the birthplace of Pepsi-Cola. So buckle up and get ready to discover 20 amazing facts about North Carolina that will leave you saying, “I had no idea!”

1-5 Fun Facts About North Carolina

20 Mind-Blowing North Carolina Facts That You Should Know

1. If North Carolina was a country,It would be larger than Greece.

2. With a population of 10.7 million, it is the 9th most populous state in the US, sandwiched between Georgia and Michigan.

20 Mind-Blowing North Carolina Facts That You Should Know

3. North Carolina’s state motto is “Esse Quam Videri,” which translates to “to be rather than to seem.” This a motto to live by!

4. If the two Carolinas were combined, they would be the 5th largest state in the US by population, after California, Texas, Florida, and New York. 

5. North Carolina isn’t just famous for its beaches and barbeque – it’s also a prehistoric hotspot, with evidence of dinosaurs and other ancient animals found in the state. We’re just glad they’re not around anymore to steal our lunch!

6-10 Interesting Facts About North Carolina

6. In 1893, a drugstore clerk in New Bern named Caleb Bradham invented a drink that could aid digestion. He called it Brad’s Drink but later changed the name to Pepsi-Cola in 1898. By 1903, Bradham had sold nearly 8,000 gallons of the drink and was fully invested in the business.

7. If you need a break from the hustle and bustle of city life, Bald Head Island is the perfect getaway. This peaceful island boasts 14 miles of pristine beaches and a complete lack of cars. Visitors can explore the island on foot, by bike, or by golf cart.

20 Mind-Blowing North Carolina Facts That You Should Know

8. North Carolina experiences more hurricanes than any other state in the US, except for Florida

9. The Blue Ridge Parkway is known for its breathtaking views, but did you know it’s also a hotspot for Flying squirrels? These adorable creatures are a must-see for anyone who loves nature.

10. Fortnite creator Tim Sweeney is a man with a mission – to buy land in North Carolina for ecologically sustainable purposes. We’re just glad he’s not using the land to build a giant Fortnite arena…yet.

11-15 Fun Facts About North Carolina

11. Did you know that a North Carolina man is the proud owner of the only known recording of Super Bowl I? CBS and NBC failed to save the tape, but the NFL refused to buy it when the man offered it to them for $1 million, only countering with $30,000. To add insult to injury, they threatened him with legal action if he sold it to anyone else!

12. Singing badly in the church can land you in trouble, but in North Carolina, it once led to a legal case. In State v. Linkhaw, the state’s Supreme Court reversed the conviction of a man who was found guilty of “disturbing a religious congregation” due to his terrible singing.

13. North Carolina has produced some notable names, including Academy Award-winning actress Julianne Moore, hilarious actor Zach Galifianakis, the talented Michael C. Hall, the renowned evangelist Billy Graham, and the electrifying wrestler Jeff Hardy.

14. North Carolina is the reigning champion of tobacco production in the United States, alongside Kentucky, with both states accounting for 75% of the country’s tobacco.

15. North Carolina’s official state beverage is milk, making it one of 22 states to share this honor.

16-20 Embarrassing Facts About North Carolina

16. Driving into Forest City, North Carolina? Better give Town Hall a ring first – an old law dictates that you must seek permission before entering the town by car.

20 Mind-Blowing North Carolina Facts That You Should Know

17. According to a bizarre old law, women in North Carolina are required to wear clothes that add up to at least 16 yards in length.

18. Don’t even think about visiting a cemetery in North Carolina after midnight – it’s against the law. Guess you’ll have to pay your respects during the daytime.

20 Mind-Blowing North Carolina Facts That You Should Know

19. Up until 1977, North Carolina had a law that allowed for the sterilization of individuals with an IQ of 70 or lower. Thankfully, this law is no longer in effect.

20 Mind-Blowing North Carolina Facts That You Should Know

20. If you’re in North Carolina, and looking for a discounted drink, don’t ask for a “Happy Hour” special. It’s technically against the law. However, they can still offer deals on food and non-alcoholic drinks, keeping the spirits high and wallets happy.

That’s it for this post guys, I hope you had fun while reading 20 North Carolina Fun Facts.

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