20 Awesome Maine facts that will make you fall in love with It

20 Awesome Maine facts that will make you fall in love with It

Welcome to Pine Tree State, where the rugged coastline meets pristine forests, quaint fishing villages, and rich maritime history. Maine may be the easternmost state in the USA, but it’s also one of the most fascinating and unique. From the iconic lighthouses that dot the rocky shores to the world-famous lobster industry, Maine has a character all its own. But did you know that Maine is also home to the world’s largest-rotating globe, or that it has the highest percentage of forest coverage in the country? Or how about the fact that Maine is the only state to border just one other state? These are just a few of the many interesting facts that make Maine a true treasure of New England. So join us on a journey through the Pine Tree State and discover the fascinating facts that make Maine a truly unforgettable destination.

1-5 Fun Facts About Maine

20 Awesome Maine facts that will make you fall in love with It

1. Maine’s population is relatively small, with 1.38 million residents. It makes it the 9th least populated and 13th least densely populated state in the U.S.

2. However, Maine has a unique demographic makeup: 95% of its population is White, making it the state with the highest percentage of White residents in the U.S.

3. If Maine were a country, it would be comparable in size to Portugal, making it an impressive state in terms of land area.

4. Despite being the size of Portugal, Maine’s capital city has fewer people than the average Giants game.

5. Maine was created as a free state in 1820 to balance out the number of free and slave states in the country.

6-10 Interesting Facts About Maine

6. Maine’s love for maple syrup is so great that it has its own holiday, where families visit producers, take tours, and indulge in maple-flavored treats.

7. Maine is a state that values its natural beauty, which is why it has laws prohibiting the use of billboards for outdoor advertising. So if you’re driving through Maine, you won’t be inundated with flashy ads along the roadways.

8. If you’re a smoker in Maine, be sure to keep your cigarettes out of the car if children are present – it’s illegal to smoke in a car with minors.

9. If you were hoping to keep an armadillo as a pet in Maine, you might want to reconsider. It’s against the law in this state, so you’ll have to find another exotic pet to call your own.

10. If you’re in Waterville and have a runny nose, be sure to grab a tissue – blowing your nose in public is technically prohibited in this city.

11-15 Surprising Facts About Maine

20 Awesome Maine facts that will make you fall in love with It

11. Horror fans, take note: Stephen King, one of the most famous authors in the genre, was born in Portland, Maine. Two of his three homes are still located in the state, making it a must-visit destination for fans of his work.

12. Maine is the only Eastern state with a significant population of moose, making this majestic creature the state mammal. The moose also holds this title in Alaska and appears on Ontario’s coat of arms.

20 Awesome Maine facts that will make you fall in love with It

13. If you happen to hit a moose with your car in Maine, there’s a strange law that gives you first dibs on the carcass. 

14. Did you know that Maine is the closest U.S. state to Africa? It’s true – this easternmost state is located closer to the continent of Africa than any other state in the country.

15. The town of Camden, Maine, is offering a unique incentive to attract new businesses and jobs to the area: they’ll give 2.8 acres of land to anyone who brings a business to town that employs at least 24 people after five years. It’s a creative way to boost economic growth in the community.

16-20 Cool Facts About Maine

16. If you ever find yourself in an emergency in Maine, you can text 911 for help – it’s one of only two states where this option is reliably available. It could be a lifesaving feature for those who are deaf, hard of hearing, or in a situation where they can’t speak out loud.

17. Maine has a quirky tradition of naming its cities and towns after famous foreign countries and cities. You can find places like Paris, Denmark, China, Mexico, and Rome within the state’s borders, giving it a unique flair.

20 Awesome Maine facts that will make you fall in love with It

18. Maine boasts the third-highest enlistment rate per capita in the US military, a testament to the state’s patriotism and love for the country.

19. Mainers have an extra day to file their taxes because of Patriot’s Day, a holiday exclusive to Maine, making it one of the perks of living in this state.

20 Awesome Maine facts that will make you fall in love with It

20. Maine proudly holds the nickname “Pine Tree State” because almost 90% of the state is covered in forest, showcasing the natural beauty of this state.

That’s it for this post guys, I hope you had fun while reading 20 Awesome Maine Facts For Kids.

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