20 Enlightening Feminism Facts That You Need To Know

20 Enlightening Feminism Facts That You Need To Know

Welcome, champions of equality, to an empowering exploration of 20 intriguing facts about feminism. In this thought-provoking article, we’ll delve into the history, achievements, and ongoing challenges faced by the feminist movement. From the suffrage movement to intersectionality, these facts shed light on the fight for gender equality and the quest to dismantle oppressive systems. So, open your minds and hearts, and join us on this journey of empowerment as we celebrate the progress and resilience of feminism. Let’s unite in the pursuit of justice and equality for all genders!

1-5 Sad Facts About Feminism

20 Enlightening Feminism Facts That You Need To Know

1. Disturbingly, approximately 1 in 3 women globally will experience physical or sexual violence in their lifetime, highlighting the prevalence of gender-based violence.

2. Intimate partner violence is a significant issue, as approximately 38% of all murders of women worldwide are committed by their intimate partners, shedding light on the dangers women face within their relationships.

3. According to the U.N., an alarming 99.3% of women and girls in Egypt have experienced sexual harassment.

4. In 1863, Jules Verne published a book that foresaw the development of the internet, the record industry, fax machines, electric street lighting, missiles, wind power, gas-powered cars, and feminism. However, the manuscript was lost for over a century due to his publisher deeming it too far-fetched to publish at the time.

5. The representation of women in senior management positions remains low, with only 24% of such roles globally held by women.

6-10 Interesting Facts About Feminism

6. There were purported plots to feminize Hitler by adding estrogen to his food.

7. Some feminists, including Bell hooks, advocate for men’s liberation to be included within the goals of feminism, recognizing that traditional gender roles can harm both women and men.

8. Women are more likely to obtain a high school diploma compared to men, and in the United States, over 60% of college degrees are awarded to women, indicating their higher educational attainment in certain contexts.

9. Benedict Cumberbatch once said that he doesn’t like the term ‘Cumberbitches’. He said: “I won’t allow you to be my bitches. I think it sets feminism back so many notches. You are… Cumberpeople.”

10. Compared to men, American women are twice as likely to retire in poverty.

11-15 Surprising Facts About Feminism

20 Enlightening Feminism Facts That You Need To Know

11. In Yemen, women face severe restrictions on their mobility, as they are not allowed to leave their homes without the presence or permission of their husbands, limiting their independence and freedom.

12. Moreover, In Yemen, women are considered “half a witness,” meaning that their testimony alone is not taken seriously unless corroborated by a man’s testimony. Additionally, women are barred from testifying in cases of adultery, libel, theft, or sodomy, highlighting gender biases in the legal system.

13. In Saudi Arabia, Women were not allowed to drive until 2018. However, The ban on women driving in Saudi Arabia was lifted in 2018, marking a significant step towards gender equality and women’s empowerment in the country.

14. Marie Curie, a remarkable scientist, remains the only woman to have won two Nobel prizes. She received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903 and the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1911.

15. New Zealand was the first country to grant women the right to vote in the modern era, setting an important precedent for women’s suffrage and political empowerment in the world.

16-20 Shocking Facts About Feminism

20 Enlightening Feminism Facts That You Need To Know

16. In 1770, the British Parliament proposed a bill that sought to punish women using makeup for witchcraft, reflecting the historical persecution and discrimination against women based on societal expectations and norms.

17. Over the past 50 years, 52 countries have had a female head of state, including notable examples such as India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Liberia, and China. However, the United States has yet to have a female head of state.

18. While the majority of countries guarantee paid leave for mothers of newborns, only nine countries, including the United States, do not provide this crucial benefit, potentially impacting women’s ability to balance work and caregiving responsibilities.

19. The introduction of the birth control pill in 1965 revolutionized women’s reproductive autonomy and provided them with more choices regarding career and motherhood, enabling them to pursue both if desired.

20 Women account for up to two-thirds of global working hours but earn only one-tenth of global income.

That’s it for this post guys, I hope you had fun while reading 20 Fun Feminism Facts

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