20 Mind-Boggling Facts About Books That You Need To Know

20 Mind-Boggling Facts About Books That You Need To Know

Prepare to turn the page and embark on a literary journey through the realm of bookish wonders! From the hidden stories behind beloved classics to mind-boggling facts about the world of literature, we’ve stacked our shelves with 20 intriguing book facts that will leave you flipping with fascination. Whether you’re a bookworm, an aspiring writer, or simply curious about the written word, get ready to leaf through this treasure trove of knowledge. So grab your reading glasses, cozy up in your favorite nook, and prepare to embark on a fact-filled adventure that will have you saying, “Well, I’ll be book-ed!”

1-5 Fun Facts About Books

20 Mind-Boggling Facts About Books That You Need To Know

1. In Norway, if an author publishes a book, the government will purchase 1000 copies (1500 for children’s books) and distribute them to libraries across the country.

2. Iceland has a unique tradition known as Jólabókaflóð, where books are exchanged as Christmas Eve presents, and the evening is spent reading them while enjoying chocolate.

3. You won’t believe how the Guinness Book of Records was born. It all started with a man in charge of Guinness Breweries in the swinging 1950s. During a shooting party, he took a shot at a golden plover but missed. Oh no! And guess what? He couldn’t find a reference book to settle the score on whether that plover was the speediest bird in Europe. So, he rolled up his sleeves and said, “I’ll create the ultimate record book myself!”

4. Statistics indicate that women tend to purchase more books compared to men.

5. The “Harry Potter” book series holds the distinction of being the highest-selling series of novels ever published, with a collective sales figure of 450 million copies.

6-10 Interesting Facts About Books

6. Ever wondered if you could become Batman? Well, a neuroscientist had you covered! In the book “Becoming Batman: The Possibility of a Superhero,” he delves into the nitty-gritty details of what an ordinary person would need to train and adapt to become the Caped Crusader. It’s like a scientific guide to fulfilling your superhero dreams!

7. At the Harvard University Library, there are four law books that have been crafted from human skin.

8. When informed about a book titled “100 Authors Against Einstein,” Albert Einstein wittily responded, “Why one hundred? If I were wrong, one would have been enough.”

9. Ted Hughes, the author of “The Iron Giant,” wrote the book as a means to explain the suicide death of their mother to his two children in 1963.

10. “Strewwelpeter” is a German book intended to instill good behavior in children through scary stories. It includes tales such as a boy who remains dirty and becomes unpopular, a child who refuses to eat soup and withers away, a girl who plays with matches and tragically perishes in a fire, and two boys who tease someone with dark skin and are subsequently dipped in ink as a lesson.

11-15 Surprising Facts About Books

11. “Steal This Book” is an instructional manual by Abbie Hoffman that covers various topics including shoplifting, fare evasion, and protesting. Due to its controversial nature, 30 publishers rejected it, and many bookstores refused to sell it as the title itself encouraged shoplifting, which became a concern.

12. Coloring books designed for adults have become a significant trend, and publishers are struggling to meet the high demand. These books have proven effective in reducing stress, alleviating anxiety, and aiding in the rehabilitation of stroke patients.

13. France categorizes books as “essential goods,” placing them on par with electricity, bread, and water.

14. “Confessions of a Sociopath: A Life Spent Hiding in Plain Sight” is a book written from the perspective of a successful sociopath/psychopath, delving into the intricacies of their lives. Due to obvious reasons, the book was published under a pseudonym.

15. In ancient Egypt, any books discovered on ships arriving at ports would be promptly taken to the library of Alexandria to be copied. The original would be retained in the library, while the copy would be returned to the owner.

16-20 Shocking Facts About Books

20 Mind-Boggling Facts About Books That You Need To Know

16. The book “A Clockwork Orange” had two different versions: an American edition and a European edition. The U.S. publisher believed that the idea of a criminal being redeemed was unrealistic and thus altered the content for the American readership.

17. In 1909, renowned escape artist Harry Houdini wrote a book titled “Handcuff Secrets,” which revealed many of the tricks behind his famous escapes.

18. Former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt was known to read at least one book per day, showcasing his voracious appetite for knowledge.

19. Historians believe that the first-ever written book was the Epic of Gilgamesh, an epic poem dating back thousands of years. It originated in ancient Mesopotamia around 2100 BCE.

20. The top three most printed and sold books of all time are the Bible, “Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung,” and the Harry Potter series.

That’s it for this post guys, I hope you had fun while reading 20 Awesome Books facts

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